Supply of Goods

A. Supply of industrial, power plant, andmarine-related goods, equipment, engineeringmaterials, etc., from quality sources abroad, alongwith after-sales service support. B. Supply of chemicals with assured after-salessupport. C. Supply of quality PPE for the power and industrialsectors. Our goal is to expand project partnerships into lasting collaborations, fostering atrusted network of expertise and mutual growth. We […]
Transportation and Placement of Heavy Equipment

A. Ensure certified cranes are used for loading andunloading heavy equipment. B. Arrange trailers based on the size and load of theequipment. C. Supervise transportation activities with skilledsupervisors to meet delivery schedules.
Construction and Installation

A. Support for EPC in the construction and erection ofmechanical, electrical, and instrumentation controlsystems. B. Pre-fabrication of mechanical components at theworkshop and on-site for gas-fired engine powerplants, HFO projects, and CCPPs.Fabrication and installation of mechanical systemsat the site. C. Insulation and ducting work for various power plantsand industrial facilities. D. Painting services as required for […]